1992: initiatives of the sector
Andef (National Plant Protection Association), in partnership with Aeasp (Association of Agronomists of the State of São Paulo) and Coplana (Guariba Cooperative of Sugar Cane Producers) propose the formation of a group to study the flow of empty crop protection packaging in Brazil.
1994: pilot project
The Andef initiative gives rise to the pilot program of the empty packaging receiving station of Guariba (SP) involving various partners.
2000: enactment of the law
Federal Law Nr. 9.974/00 is enacted, which defines issues related to the final disposal of empty crop protection packaging and uses as a parameter the experience of the Andef pilot project, besides other regional initiatives.
2001: foundation of inpEV
Seven entities representing the agricultural sector and 27 manufacturers join forces to establish inpEV on December 14.
2002: start of operation
- The reverse logistics system, which later receives the name of Campo Limpo System, begins its operations in March, with a structure consisting of 33 receiving stations and one outpost;
- More companies join inpEV, totaling 39 members;
- 3,800 tons of disposed packages.
2003: awareness development and expansion of the receiving infrastructure
- 230 receiving units;
- 7,800 tons of disposed packaging;
- 44 member companies;
- Start of the systematization of producer awareness development activities.
2004: focus on recycling and reinforcing technical guidance for producers
- 14,000 tons of disposed packaging;
- Partnership with recycling companies to use recycled packaging as a raw material for 12 different products;
- Lectures and training sessions are held on package washing and return procedures; educational campaigns; creation of scarecrow Olimpio, who embodies awareness messages.
2005: global reference and creation of the National Clean Field Day
- With 43,000 tons of disposed packages since the System was created, Brazil surpasses the sum recorded by 30 countries that have similar reverse logistics programs, and becomes a global reference on the matter. In more than 60 seminars in different regions of Brazil, inpEV participates in sharing information and knowledge with representatives from other productive sectors interested in learning about the Institute's experience;
- Creation of the DNCL (National Clean Field Day) with the purpose of offering greater visibility to the topic and increasing awareness of society. The first edition of the event featured simultaneous activities in 13 States; 11,000 people visited 30 receiving stations.
2006: knowledge development at an international level
- 20,000 tons of disposed packaging;
- 365 receiving units in 23 States;
- inpEV becomes a member of the Croplife International committee, a global federation that represents the industry of plant health products and brings together regional and national associations in 91 countries. From this partnership, the Campo Limpo System gains global projection and becomes a reference for programs in countries like Canada, United States, Germany and France.
2007: consolidation of the System
- 84,000 tons of packaging disposed since 2001;
- 375 receiving units;
- 67 companies associated with the Institute.
2008: quest for economic self-sufficiency
- 24,400 tons of disposed packaging.
- 76 member companies.
- Inauguration of the first receiving unit owned by inpEV in Rondonópolis (MT).
- Creation of Campo Limpo Plastic Transformation and Recycling S.A., intended to close the management cycle of crop protection packaging within the chain itself by manufacturing new packaging and post-consumption resins resulting from recycling. This initiative was under development since 2005 as an alternative to generate resources within the System itself.
2009: technological innovation
Campo Limpo Plastic Transformation and Recycling S.A. launches Triex Ecoplastic, the first Brazilian packaging material produced using resin recycled from empty post-consumption crop protection packages, and the first packaging manufactured using recycled raw material to receive UN certification (group II, 1.4 g/cm3 density) for ground and maritime transportation of hazardous products. This product materializes inpEV's commitment towards innovation and its quest towards economic self-sufficiency of the System.
2010: public policies
- Disposal amounts to 94% of the total primary plastic packages sold;
- inpEV actively participates in discussions that will lead to the definition of the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste);
- Launch of the educational program "Packaging Life Cycle", in alignment with the PCNs (National Curriculum Parameters) of MEC (Ministry of Education). This action gave rise to the PEA (Campo Limpo Environmental Educational Program).
2011: model for other products
- 34,200 tons of disposed packaging;
- The reverse logistics of empty crop protection packaging is hereon called the Campo Limpo System;
- Based on the success of this model, inpEV starts to structure a project for the disposal of detergent, bleach, insecticide and rat poison packaging with use restricted to specialized companies. This initiative involves Abas (Brazilian Association of aerosols and household Sanitizing Products).
2012: in line with the expansion of the agricultural frontier
- 37,400 tons of disposed packaging;
- 97 member companies;
- 414 receiving units;
- Presence in 25 States and the Federal District.
2013: partnership to eliminate obsolete products
- 40,400 tons of disposed packaging;
- 192,300 participants in DNCL (National Clean Field Day) activities;
- A pioneering project is conducted in Paraná to eliminate BHC (benzene hexachloride) and other chemicals declared obsolete and prohibited by law.
2014: 10 years of the National Clean Field Day
- The milestone of 300,000 tons of disposed packages since 2002 is reached;
- Implementation of adEV (Scheduled Return of Empty Packages);
- Ten year celebration of the National Clean Field Day.
2015: new projects and products
- 45,500 tons of disposed packaging.
- Start of the improper product receiving project at the Campo Limpo System units.
- Campo Limpo Plastic Lids and Resins, in Taubaté, in the countryside of São Paulo State, starts producing Ecocaps, a high performance sealing system for packages.
2016: 15 years
- 44,500 tons of disposed packaging;
- 210,000 students participate in the Clean Field Environmental Educational Program;
- Development of the reverse logistics pilot project for empty leaf fertilizer packaging;
- 410 receiving units (five managed directly by the Institute).
2017: a milestone in packaging disposal
- o 450,000 tons disposed since 2002;
- The Governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, together with the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Environment, besides municipal authorities, participate in the DNCL celebrations and in the conclusion of the Project for the Adequate Disposal of Obsolete Crop Protection Products in São Paulo, that took place at the Campo Limpo Plastic Recycling and Transformation, in August;
- inpEV presents the Campo Limpo System at the Unea-3 Business Symposium, an event promoted by Unep (United Nations Environment Programme), which is held during the United Nations Assembly for the Environment, in Nairobi, in Kenya.
2018: main actions and acknowledgments
More than 500,000 tons disposed of since 2002;
The Campo Limpo System was one of the themes discussed by the Circular Economy work, a model that leverages the economy, creates jobs and protects the environment, a topic that comes as an answer to the main sustainability challenges. This book was organized by Carlos Odhe, from Sinctronics Green IT Innovation Center, and released in 2018;
The Term of Commitment for the reverse logistics of empty crop protection packaging was renewed in the state of São Paulo.
In 2018, inpEV participated in a workshop promoted by CropLife China, in Beijing, focused on disseminating the best global practices on disposal and recycling of empty crop protection packaging.
2019: World reference
The system disposed of 45,300 tons of packaging;
inpEV reinforced its affiliation to Rede Brasil of the Global Compact, a UN (United Nations) initiative, and to Proclima (State Program for Climate Changes of the State of São Paulo. Along the year, the Institute was a member of the Food and Agriculture Theme Group of Rede Brasil;
inpEV participated in the workshop organized by Croplife China, in Shanghai, to present the Campo Limpo System and received the Chinese delegation that came to Brazil to get first-hand information about the System;
Participation in various agricultural sector events, organized by entities engaged with the solid waste management topic, and in sustainability forums.