Legal duties of the different links comprising the Campo Limpo System and complete flow diagram of the packaging reverse logistics
Federal Law 9.974/00 set forth the concept of shared responsibilities among the agents of the agricultural chain regarding the process of receiving and providing final disposal of empty crop protection packaging and determined specific roles for each of them. The creation of inpEV as an intelligence hub of the Campo Limpo System allowed the different links to integrate themselves and guide the post-consumption packaging cycle from the field up to final disposal.
This process helps connect farmers from across the country and 5,000 distribution channels and cooperatives to a network of more than 400 receiving units located in 25 Brazilian States and in the Federal District. These units comply with technical standards and their operations depend on public power licensing. Most of them are managed by retailer associations and some units are owned by the Institute itself. inpEV is responsible for shipping the material received at these units to its final destination (recycling or incineration).
The public power, at a municipal, state and federal level, supervises fulfillment of the legal responsibilities of each chain link and shares with the distribution channels and the manufacturing industry the responsibility of providing education and periodic awareness to producers on the importance of participating in the reverse logistics.
How the Campo Limpo System works
Shared responsibilities
- Wash, make void and temporarily store the material according to technical guidelines;
- Return the packaging to the location indicated on the bill of sale;
- Keep the proof of return (supplied by the distribution channel) for one year.
Distribution channels and cooperatives
- Indicate on the bill of sale where the post-consumption packaging must be returned to;
- Receive and properly store the material;
- Issue proof of return to farmers;
- Educate and raise awareness among producers about the importance of following the correct procedures and participate in the reverse logistics.
Manufacturing industry (represented by inpEV)
- Collect the material stored at the receiving units;
- Provide proper disposal of the material (recycling or incineration);
- Educate and raise awareness among producers about the importance of following the correct procedures and participate in the reverse logistics.
Public power
- Oversee compliance with legal requirements of the various agents;
- Grant licensing to the receiving units;
- Educate and raise awareness among producers about the importance of following the correct procedures and participate in the reverse logistics.
Logistic efficiency
inpEV adopts the concept of using the return shipment to transport empty packaging to its destination: on the return trip, the truck that carries crop protection products to distributors and cooperatives is used to transport the empty packages (bulk or compacted) stored at the receiving units. This concept is applied to more than 98% of all shipments from central stations to their final destination.